Monday, January 17, 2011


Wow - I have a lot posted here today. I have been meaning to do a new post for a long time now. Kortland is keeping me crazy busy. He eats like a horse and sleeps like a... well, not sure of an animal that DOES NOT SLEEP. It's ridiculous. For staying awake all day, you would think he would sleep all night. Uh uh... nope. It's just not normal. However, saturday night he did sleep from 9:30 to 5:30. I could of been so tired that I didn't hear him scream for hours on end... or he really slept that long. I wish I could say he did the same last night. But the boy had a lil gas going on and his stomach was killing him.... so I won't hold him accountable for that. much sleep as I am losing, my eyes look like I have been smokin the reefer for quite some time now... I wouldn't trade it for the world. I just always sing the song "your gonna miss this" in my head while I am ready to go crazy and it seems to calm me right down.
Bayleigh isn't as obsessed as I thought she would be with Kortland.... but she is so good about helping me. She has to be the one to get his diapers or all hell will break loose.

Onto pictures..... Christmas Eve we went to the big town of Emery for their nativity program. Bayleigh isn't as scared of Santa ( I give all the credit to the movie...."the search for Santa Paws"... it has played probably 200 times since the first of December. No joking) It only took a little convincing to go sit on his lap this time. When Santa asked what she wanted for Christmas she said...."Dad wants an i-pod touch and Bay wants toys" lol.

and of course we had to get Kortland in on the action.

We then went home and set out reindeer food. Christmas was so fun this year. Bayleigh was really concerned about the reindeer getting food too. (again... I give the credit to the movie Santa Paws)

Here Bayleigh is ready to set out the food. notice her big petti skirt? (once again, I blame this on Santa Paws. There is a scene where Santa Paws transforms all the orphan girls raggid clothes into big beautiful dresses. They then do a big extravagent dance... which Bayleigh has memorized to the T and performs it regularly.) You all MUST watch Santa Paws.

Christmas morning... yes, the petti skirt is on... once again. This is her new wheeler! She does awesome on it. Luckily it has a switch on it that you can control the speed....brings a little comfort to mom.

Her hokey pokey elmo....

Cool new shades.....

Didn't upload any of Kortland on Christmad day.... sorry...

Here is Bayleigh and Kortland ready for the first day of church together. I waited for about 3 weeks before I took him.

I had to post this modeling photo of Bay.... woot woot

This picture was taken when Kortland was about 2 weeks

Just the other day I finally caught his smile on camera.

And how can you say no or be mad at this face?
On another note.... we just bought our first house!!! We closed on it a week or so ago but have been spending time doing some improvements. As much as I love ducks and cat tail weed wallpaper... I had to rip it down. We have ripped wallpaper down, painted every room in the house, and putting up molding. It has been a process!!! And I am sick of it! I have been doing a lot of it by myself during the days which is not easy with two kids... (bayleigh i just turn on Santa Paws and she is entertained for hours. Kortland takes very short naps and needs to be held all the time)... but I am gettin 'er done. We are almost done and hopefully moving in this weekend. I will post before and after pics soon.


Tony and Ashley said...

So cute! Paxton still doesn't sleep through the night...I blame a lot of it on his obsessive eating habits as well as his extreme gassiness...get aquainted with Gas Drops if you haven't already! But Pax does take awesome naps so I guess we have that! Hopefully Kort will get better...he's still little! I'm excited you guys bought a house...I want to see pics when you're all settled in! Good luck with everything, glad you guys are doing well!

McKette said...

If you need help during the day, let me know. I can come hang out and hold the baby or rip down some wall paper!

The Thornleys said...

I hope that just cause you are moving to price, that you think you'll get out of going to the pool with me this summer! Kortland is soo cute!!!

Christy said...

Your house was super cute! I'm glad we got to come see it on girls night. You did a good job and the invitation to come paint my house is still open anytime!

We got the ward newsletter yesterday and it says that Corbin Sinclair was blessed by Justin in our ward. I think that officially means you guys have to change his name, since it was in the newsletter and all.

njkilfoyle said...

Congrats on the new addition. He is cute. Hope all is well. Having a house is so nice, how fun. :)

bjmdonan said...

sorry your not getting much sleep kens. merrick wasnt a sleeper til about 6 months, he was always awake. maddox is a good sleeper so its so nice! we need to catch up sometime!