Monday, December 13, 2010


Kortland Justin Sinclair was born at 5:13 pm on Dec. 12, 2010. He weighed 7 pounds 3.5 ounces and 19.5 inches long. It was a brutal labor, I ain't gonna lie. Bless my husband's heart for cleaning up puke every ten minutes (I am not kidding when I say ten minutes). It was horrible. Kortland ended up swallowing a bunch of crap so we didn't get to hold him for a couple hours after he was born.
The fam came to the hospital to see him - but could only look through the nursery windows. I so wish Bayleigh could of held him... she is probably wondering what the big hype is about and why Mom and Dad are not home with her. But she did call me today saying that she missed baby brubber. Can't wait to go home in the morning and let them officially meet.
Kortland recovered quick and is doing awesome! He is such a chill baby.... so far. The only pictures I have right now are from my phone - so no professional photos by any means. Once we get home and settled I will get better pictures posted.


Jossie said...

I love his Merry Christmas blanket. Congrats!

Kali said...

How exciting! He's SO CUTE, congrats!!!

Cord and Tatum Hansen said...

He is perfect Kenz :) Congrats

Scottie and Tasha said...

Congrats!!! I am so glad he is here and both of you are doing well. He is such a handsome little man :)

Tony and Ashley said...

Congratulations again! I hope Bayleigh does well with the adjustment...I'm sure she'll love him! I was so worried about Macie adjusting to Paxton & they've been best buddies from the start! Hope you are all doing well...I'd love to see you when you're in town next! What hospital did you deliver at? Good luck with everything!

Calie and Dave said...

So excited for you! Sucks you had a crappy labor, but hey you will forget all about it in a year or so! He is super cute, CONGRATS!

Christy said...

Just in time to move into your new house! He is super cute! Congratulations!

Sorry about the horror stories I told you from Nate's birth, I bet that is totally why you had a rough time!