Monday, December 14, 2009

Fun fullfilling weekend

We took a trip to Salt Lake for the weekend. My friend's son was baptized on Saturday and then Saturday night the entire family got together and went to a Jazz game. Jazz played the Lakers that night...(jazz winning 102 to 94). Jade is a huge Lakers fan, or more so a Kobe Bryant fan. He wore Kobe's jersey to the game. So everyone...and when I say everyone I mean everyone... was giving him a bunch of crap....especially when Lakers lost. Inbetween all that, we got the rest of our Christmas shopping done. We really wanted to go to temple square and see the lights...but some reason they weren't on. When we were leaving the Jazz game there were about 5 trees lit up and then they turned them off. Not sure what was going on with that. It snowed quite a big on Sunday when we were heading home. We stayed at my brother's house in Eagle Moutain and they got dumped on. We were stuck in his drive way for quite a while. The tires on our car are not made for snow. The car came from Vegas....why buy snow tires when you live in Vegas...right? So it took us a while to get down the canyon. Everytime Justin went to pass a semi...or a car pass us...or we spun out a little bit...Bay would yell out..."uh oh!!" It was super funny.

Whew!! That is one good lookin couple!

Here is Bay and Nicole. This is Bayleigh's new smile.
We tell her to "smile big" and boy does she smile big.

Yet again....big smile. And yet again...Whew!
What a good lookin bunch of people!

She is either yelling, cheering, or
nervous in this picture. Can't quite

Her Jazz tattoo

Jazz blanket we got at the game for
being the first 500 people there.

When we got home Sunday there was tons of snow in Castle Dale. We let Bay take a nap while me and Justin jumped on the 4-wheeler and plowed away. Once Bay woke up we hooked the sled behind the wheeler and took her sledding. She was having a ball.

Today I took her out to make a snow man. However, the snow was to powdery so you couldn't get any type of ball made. But it is doesn't snow just I am sure we will have another chance at that. Bayleigh is loving the snow. This is her first encounter with snow really. We had a little bit when we were here for Christmas last year from Vegas...but never did go play in it. We were to busy with family stuff.

All bundled up....except for the snow
pants...we have yet to buy that. But
these pants have the fleece lining and they
keep her warm for quite a while.

Bayleigh's first snow angel. Little disporportional....
but remember....someday we will all have perfect


Leamaster Family said...

Your family is so cute, Bayleigh is a doll. I hope there is still snow for us to play in when we come home at Christmas, we don't get much where we are.

The O'Neils said...

That does sound like a fun weekend! I'm glad you guys are able to enjoy the snow. It also was great to see the Jazz beat the Lakers!

njkilfoyle said...

your blog is so cute. your little girl is adorable. hope all is well. have a good holiday

Graham said...

How dare you do anything fun without me! Kind of miss the snow, but still like that I only have to wear a jacket. Miss you guys!